Looking for the perfect gift for a special occasion such as a wedding, engagement, birthday or anniversary?
A Bella Cosa gift voucher can be used at any of our cottages. Just select a preset amount or enter a custom value.
Note: Our certificates aren’t sent immediately as they need to be created. It will be sent within 48 hours via email or can be posted in the mail on request.
Please complete the following gift voucher form and pay using a credit card.
Terms and conditions
- Gift vouchers are not refundable but are transferrable
- Gift vouchers will not expire
- Gift voucher redemption is subject to availability at the time of booking and our standard terms such as a 2 night minimum stay
- Gift vouchers will have a unique code which will be required at the time of booking.
- Gift vouchers must be redeemed by booking online on this website and not through another provider such as Airbnb
- If the value of the stay is more than the value of the gift voucher the balance will need to be paid at the time of booking via credit card